Kenilworth School & Sixth Form

April 26, 2017 - 2 minutes read
Key challenges

• Lack of women in senior leadership positions locally and nationally, as recognised for the Department of Education

• Typical issues holding women back included; confidence, assertiveness, and application and interview skills

Our Solution

• Supported the school in applying for funding from the DofE to fund a programme to support female aspiring leaders within the school

• Designed and delivered a Women in Leadership Programme for 20 delegates which included:

• A series of workshops on topics such as Leadership Skills, Confidence & Resilience, Assertiveness skills, Stress Management, Career Planning, Presentation Skills, Application and Interview techniques

• One to one coaching sessions including Clarity 4D personality profiling, with each session tailored to the delegate and situation to help them develop their leadership behaviours and achieve their goals.

• Assessment and validation of the workshops and outcomes


From the workshops results included:

• 15% increase in confidence, assertiveness and resilience

• 24% increase in ability to hold difficult conversations, stress management & achieve work life balance

From the one to one coaching sessions, outcomes varied but included; increased clarity in careers goals, better decision making, improved assertiveness, improved leadership behaviours such as delegation skills and, strategic thinking.

“Marie successfully identified the areas that women need to improve to enable them to develop certain skills to allow them to gain promotion and took into account the thoughts, concerns and ideas of the delegates and adjusted the course to suit them. The outcomes of her work were a significant increase in the pre and post questionnaire scores, that all delegates complete, that prove how successful the course is. Several delegates have commented that the course Marie is delivering is the best CPD that they have ever received.

I would describe Marie’s character and delivery style as professional, supportive, effective and engaging.”

(Debs Talbot, Assistant Headteacher, Kenilworth School and Sixth Form)
