Woman Who…Finalist!
March 26, 2016 - 5 minutes readI could hardly contain my excitement when I heard that I was a ‘Woman Who’ Finalist for the work I do with The Bird Table.
The Woman Who….are locally based Awards to recognise the achievements of women in business, taking place at Coombe Abbey on 15h April. Click here to find out more.
The panel of judges (an impressive lineup themselves!) met on Monday 14th March to make the decision, and now their lips are sealed until the awards ceremony. To help them make the decision for the Network category I was asked to provide some additional information about the work that I do – and here it is:
“I could see that The Bird Table Ltd was delivering something unique, and I wanted to join as soon as I spoke to the founders. It’s a great match for my desire to make a real difference to women working in business locally in Coventry & Warwickshire.
These are small development groups, run by professional, qualified coaches. It matched my need for ethical, high-quality coaching, and warmth and fun at the same time. I realized I could cover my own professional development and supervision– while helping local female business owners grow their businesses.
The Bird Table was recruiting high calibre, qualified coaches based on a values match for authenticity, integrity, support, challenge, collaboration and growth, and they were ready to support me hugely too.
In a sense this is a network – but it turns networking on its head. No selling is allowed!
The Bird Table is a network within a network:
A network of coaches builds a network of small groups of women. The overall intention is to help ladies reflect and plan their own business growth. The women push each other to get braver all the time.
There is no need to be perfect or shiny, as a member of a Bird Table Group – this is a place to come and share ideas with colleagues, facilitated by a professional coach – like having your own board.
As soon as I heard about it, I wanted to set up a Bird Table Group near home in Kenilworth.
The Bird Table is establishing across the UK and into Switzerland now, and has a 100% no-selling rule. That means a business owner can talk openly with peers across the continent without threat or concern. A photographer in Warwick can connect with a photographer in the Alps – to THINK BETTER about her business, not to out-shine. It’s women at their best, and it fits the way I want to work.
I’m finding that women are growing their businesses more quickly, in my group and in the groups around them. It’s so inspiring.
When I enquired last year, there were ten coaches involved with SME groups in The Midlands. We now have nearly 30 coaches, and have started working in organisations of all sizes, including a large government organization. We’re taking Bird Table Groups to women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). I’m excited to have started working with influential local female tech leaders to build Bird Table Groups to support and grow their women employees too.
What about a year’s time? I can carve out a successful role here, building the confidence, skills and leadership behaviours of lots of women in the Coventry and Warwickshire area, especially in the world of tech & STEM.
I think I should win this category because I truly believe The Bird Table is building the very best possible vessel for enabling more women to build more quickly in business, in an ethical environment of integrity. And I have brought it to this area! What’s not to like?”
To find out more about the Kenilworth Groups then contact Marie at mariehaycocks@certanovo.com or 07554883026. And if you are interested in finding out more about what people say about the Bird Table and other groups around the country then click here.