At Certanovo...

...we use coaching techniques to lead our clients through a creative and thought-provoking process, enabling them to gain confidence in how they look and feel, and empowering them to make long-term, sustainable and positive changes to how they view themselves and their lives.

Do you feel...

...unhappy or unfulfilled with your current situation? Have changing circumstances forced you to refocus? Is it time for a change of direction? Are you at a crossroads and uncertain which way to turn?

Whether you need... evaluate your options, find your dream job, or identify an image and style that works for you, our holistic mentoring approach can help you build your confidence and clarify your personal aims and desires, inspiring you to maximise your potential and putting you on the right path to achieve your goals.

We offer...

...a range of coaching and image consultancy services aimed at women, young people and professionals. Our approach is supportive and tailored to the individual, enabling us to guide and help you at a pace and in a way that is right for you.

Marie Haycocks
Ethos and values

From early adulthood onwards, our lives are full of challenges and we all go through periods of uncertainty when we lack self-confidence, motivation or direction. Certanovo is a coaching and image consultancy that aims to empower and guide clients who are facing such challenges.

“I am dedicated to helping my clients to achieve their goals and to be the best version of themselves – inside and out. My approach is supportive, empowering and transparent.” - Marie Haycocks

At Certanovo we believe that everyone deserves to look and feel their best; our business is about helping you understand how to achieve your potential and how to be the very best version of you.

Our key values are




Our approach is




Our aim is to




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